Listen to the Music
by Dick Richards
Buy the Original Painting
30.000 x 30.000 x 1.500 inches
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Listen to the Music
Dick Richards
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
This painting marked a shift in my approach to my work. It was the first instance in which I was fully able to immerse myself in what later became the state of mind described in the mantra I often use now when I begin a piece – “Be present. Let go. Disappear.” The shift began in a studio with other artists around. I wanted to block out my surroundings so put on a set of headphones (not earbuds) and started a small MP3 player loaded up with favorite music and let it play random tracks.
The painting just came. The canvas had been given a layer of blue. I began applying green, yellow, orange, and white, randomly in broad strokes with a three inch brush, working quickly and without thought, then scraping away the still wet top layer intuitively, impulsively, with a wide palette knife.
The painting spawned a series of works all titled with musical themes; Tempo, Solo, Counterpoint, Melody, etc. I now call this painting “Listen to the Music.” Strangely, I cannot recall what music inspired it.
June 25th, 2021
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